
Department of Pathology

Pathology department of RINPAS is well equipped with latest diagnostic tools/instruments. It is located conveniently near the out patient department of hospital.

It consists of the following section:-

i) Haematology
ii) Biochemistry
iii) Clinical Pathology

We have the following diagnostic tools:

  1. Fully automatic bio-chemistry analyzer (Super Stat 919)
  2. Semi automatic chemistry analyzer (ERBA CHEM-5 Plus)
  3. Instalyte (Na/K/Li) Analyser – for performing various biochemical test
  4. Fully automatic hematology analyzer (Sysmex SF 3000) for complete blood count (CBC) & other hematological investigations.
  5. ELISA Reader

Reports are delivered on routine haematological, biochemical & clinical investigation to the patients on the same day. Facilities of various Pathological Tests available in hospital laboratory is annexed (Appendix-V).

The following table shows the work load in the pathological laboratory during the period under review and previous three years.


There is steady increase in laboratory investigations.